About Us

Hi, I'm Yuya! A terrific woman, petite, dancer, sensitive, with a super peculiar voice, foolish, perfectionist with my work, observer and hugger. My goal is to know how to enjoy even the smallest details of life.

What can I tell you about our makeup brand if there is a really beautiful and super long story behind it?

My goal is to empower every human to live a happier and fuller life!

Our brand of makeup is just that, the reflection of one of the biggest dreams of my life, I do it with all my love, my time, my energy and my effort into it. Each of our products has been worked by many people who have the same goal: To deliver a product full of quality and good vibes.

I am an intense person, so every little thing you see in the products is super thought, there is a story behind each product, each name, inspired by what I see and what I feel, everything is created by incredible artists, typographies, colors, tones, consistencies, absolutely everything is careful so when you have the opportunity to acquire any of our products, we hope you enjoy it and make you very happy!

Something that I find very important to share with you, is that behind all this, there are many Mexican hands working and that fills me with pride and happiness. On the other hand, I also wanted to tell you that each of our products are cruelty free! I invite you to experiment with them, to feel comfortable with your skin, to pamper yourself and the world around you.

I especially thank my guapuras who have supported, inspired and empowered me during all this time. Ulises and my beautiful team, my family and friends who always cheer me up. And Republic Cosmetics that fully trust me. Thanks for letting me create.